Special offer
Whether you're a foodie or an adventurer, an explorer, a nature lover or simply in search of some peace and quiet, we offer you various "specials" in combination with a stay at our hotel. Talk to us about your wishes and ideas, and we will be happy to tailor a "special" to meet your requirements and budget.
Seven for the price of six
When you stay with us for seven nights, the final night is on us. This way, you can enjoy a stay of seven nights but only pay for six nights. Prices for a week's stay include a gen...
Four for the price of three
When you stay with us for four nights during the week (Monday to Friday), the fourth night is on us. This way, you can enjoy a stay of four nights but only pay for three nights. Pr...
Mountain paradise – special offer
Combine the experience of the historic ambiance with culinary delights at Hotel Belalp as part of a challenging mountain walk to the Oberaletschhütte mountain hut.
Tandem flight with overnight stay
Float along in the blue Valais sky with airvolution and spend the night at the historic Hotel Belalp with breathtaking views of the Great Aletsch Glacier and the Matterhorn.
Snowshoe trails
Experience breathtaking tours along waymarked snowshoe trails at up to 3,000 metres above sea level, or blaze your own trail in the deep snow while enjoying the unique panoramic vi...