How to find us
You can reach Brig quickly and conveniently by car from all major Swiss cities. Depending on your route, please see the timetables of the Lötschberg, Furka and Iselle car transport services.
A road that is passable all year leads from Brig to Blatten via Naters. Paid parking is available in Blatten near Naters. There is also a daily public transport service. To reach the car-free Belalp, please take the cable car from Blatten. www.belalpbahnen.ch
From the Belalp mountain station, an approximately 25-minute walk along a beautifully scenic trail brings you to Hotel Belalp, which sits proudly and majestically atop the Aletschbord high above the Aletsch Glacier. Please always use the big gondola lift for your luggage. If you are unable to carry your luggage to the hotel yourself, we will be happy to transport it for you. You can deposit your luggage in our "Hotel Belalp" locker at the mountain station. The lift employees will be happy to assist you. We will then transport your luggage to the hotel at a later time. The same applies for your departure.
The last freight transport takes place at 6 pm. When arriving after this time, we advise guests to only carry hand luggage for one night. Your main luggage will then be collected and brought to the hotel the next morning.